Hair Loss Help?
Q: Do you have any suggestions to help with hair loss? I have had a couple surgeries in the last few months and my hair thinning itself...
What Can I Use to Get Rid of a UTI?
StartFragment Q: What can use to get rid of a UTI? I tried cranberry juice and the cranberry pills, but on the 2nd day started to bleed...
How Do You Make Your Pregnancy Smoothies?
Q: Hi Andrea, You mentioned that you bought cans of asparagus for your smoothies. My question is how do you make those? A: Hi Nikki! I...
Progesterone and Infertility
Q: Hello Andrea! I had two miscarriages a year ago, and haven't conceived since. My cycles are like clock work, and so the recommendation...
What Do You Use to Treat Hypertension?
Q: I just watched the video about Claudia's birth and your high blood pressure and how you have since lowered it with herbs. I just...