How to Build Our Bunk Beds
Q: Do you and Tom have plans for the way you built the bunk beds? I am interested in seeing what that looks like and possibly doing...
Hair Loss Help?
Q: Do you have any suggestions to help with hair loss? I have had a couple surgeries in the last few months and my hair thinning itself...
What Do You Use for Your Prenatal Care?
Q: I have nine children and have experienced good and bad births. From now on I want my children to be born at home. I would like your...
Will My ACE Student Struggle with Taking Notes in College?
Q: Hi! I have a high schooler that I wanted to use ACE curriculum with. I am wondering if he will be able to adjust if he goes on to...
What Can I Use to Get Rid of a UTI?
StartFragment Q: What can use to get rid of a UTI? I tried cranberry juice and the cranberry pills, but on the 2nd day started to bleed...
Math Crutches
Q: My second-grade son insists on using a number line or hundred chart to do his math. He relies on it so much I feel like it may be a...
Should We Bring Our Son Home?
Q: Hello Andrea! We have homeschooled in the past. We placed our middle child back in school in 8th grade. He is currently in 10th grade...
How Do You Make Your Pregnancy Smoothies?
Q: Hi Andrea, You mentioned that you bought cans of asparagus for your smoothies. My question is how do you make those? A: Hi Nikki! I...
Progesterone and Infertility
Q: Hello Andrea! I had two miscarriages a year ago, and haven't conceived since. My cycles are like clock work, and so the recommendation...
Where Do You Live?
StartFragment Q: Hi. I am a homeschooling mom of four living in Cheyenne and have enjoyed watching your YouTube videos. I think you said...